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Anniversary and Birthday
Wedding Invitations

What a unique and stunning way to invite your guests to your special day!  Use photos from "The Proposal," create a new and personal message, chronical your lives growing together...whatever your heart desires! 


Click HERE to see a few samples of the printed brochures.  You're sure to be inspired!

Honor your loved ones by sending out a special video celebrating years of marraige or birthdays.  Include pictures, video clips and their favorite songs.  What an outstanding keepsake and the perfect way to invite friends and family to a celebration.

"A Star fell down from heaven and landed in our arms, with all of Mommy's sweetness and all of Daddy's charm..."  What a remarkable way to introduce your newest bundle of joy!  Your JaZme can include stills and video clips flaunting all the little coos and yawns that make babies so endearing.

Graduation Announcements

Graduations are a time to reflect upon the memories of your child from infancy into this new phase of their life.  You'll often see a slide show of memories at graduation parties, but why not include it as a part of the announcement or as an invitation to a celebration?  Mail these to your guests and they'll have a memento of their own to treasure.  Create your own, or let ZJ Publishing & Creative Services do it for you!

Birth Announcements

JaZ Your Family and Friends! 


Are you looking for something different rather than the plain, old-fashioned, paper invitations or announcements? JaZme video brochures are a fun, innovative and unique way to invite people to your special event or to announce monumental moments in your life!


 The list of possibilities is endless, but here are a few ideas to get you started:

  • Wedding invitations

  • Anniversary celebrations

  • Birthday celebrations

  • Birth announcements

  • Graduation announcements


Sure, paper is cheaper and videos can be emailed, but why not be a trendsetter and make sure your special message doesn't end up in a spam folder?


You are welcome to create your own video or have ZJ Publishing & Creative Services do it for you.  Go to our "How to" page for more information.


Here are just a few of the possibilities:

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